COWSSS* walk the Coyote Run Pet Trail at Highbanks Metro Park
Our friends and fellow hikers!!!and the addition of COWS plus (or cows to the fourth power)….NS and SS hiked along with us on this trail. For this journey, and for everytime they hike along, we will add S to the fourth power!! *
SS and me. Friends forever…
NS doing what she does best! What a perfect memory she has for identifying plants and telling us how they can be useful! Did you know that Jewel Weed can be used on mosquito bites? We have a lot to learn from NS!
This trail is nearer to civilization than our recent walks. Cars can be heard whooshing by on the nearby route 23 North. It's a rush to the senses to hear automation at the same time you can explore amazing scenery. Like the many gardens found in and around Paris, there is an urban sense in a rural, peaceful setting.

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