SS rarely shows up without dessert from our favorite dessert boutique! Pistacia Vera provides desserts that would stack up against the pastries we found in Monmarte.
Just looking at this image of the delicacies we ate after Trail #4 makes me yearn for a cup of earthy brown espresso! Aromatic Macaroons made with lavender or rose or peach. Cakes with real limes, pistachio nuts, or strawberries. Ah…Paris IS definitely to be found at Pistacia!
One of the great things about walking in Paris was finding a little pastry shop as we wound around the city. So many culinary delights... Pastcia Vera is right along those lines in it's quality and presentation/packaging of it's goodies.
On the walk we saw an Indian mound... I always wonder how they figured out it was one... Do you dig it up or is there something else that distinguishes them from just a small hill? As I write this it sounds like a stupid question, but sadly I can't figure out the answer...
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