Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris in an Antique "Mall"

When is an old house not an old house? When it has multiple antique vendors! I guess that a collection of stores under the same roof is in fact a mall, but, the Columbus Antique Mall is so much more than a collection of stores.

Scott enters the "mall"

Multiple vendors are lodged in multiple rooms both upstairs and downstairs in the mall. Typically, my concentration is easily overwhelmed, but, the antiques housed in this beautiful old building really get me going in a fun and creative way! I think I could live here.

Antiques in and of themselves are not something we lust after on an everyday basis, but, we do like to look and, on occasion, a purchase is made purely for nostalgia sake.  

This mall is more about the experience. The winding rooms overflow with hats and vintage clothes, books and toys of my childhood, the standard furniture and knick-knacks, and, of course JEWELRY!

But, what grabs me most is the creepy dolls! Porcelain faces peek out and creep me out everywhere. I can't help looking! I can't help loving their cracked, browning faces, cobweb lacing dresses, and strange, expressionless mouths. The thing is that they really do CREEP ME OUT! 

Baby Jane in the background waiting to pounce on her fair-haired sister!
Howdy Doody marionette! 

Creepy Crib with Crawling Hands!
When we were in Paris everything looked antique and provided a major charm factor for both of us. It's a little more than a touch of Paris for me save the title of "mall" which I'm not sure there is a matching French term.

Not to mention the chapeau selection is divine!



Miranda was aghast at my lack of
taste in hats. She shunned me.